
Thursday 26 November 2015

Furry friends at Gorgie Farm

Gorgie City Farm is a lovely place to visit, a little oasis in the city and a great place for children and young people to learn about farming and the outdoors. They've been doing some rearranging recently, for example the old duck pond has been remodelled into a nice playground for the goats, who seem to be happier than ever, as well as very cute

Meanwhile the ducks have been relocated to the other end of the farm, but this one seems to be a bit confused and is hiding in the herb garden

The guinea pigs in the Pet Lodge seem to be fluffier and cuter than ever, though very difficult to capture on camera as they run around so much and photos need to be taken either through the windows or through wire mesh

The farm doesn't seem to have their own rabbits at the moment (all my old favourites, from the time when I was based at the farm, have long since passed over the Rainbow Bridge). However, the farm offers boarding facilities for rabbits whose owners are on holiday, and there are some beauties there at the moment

Updated to add: Gorgie Farm just let me know via Twitter that the bunnies above are the farm rabbits, Thumper and Sunshine! 

I liked this scene of the sheep and pigeons all enjoying each others' company

The pigs were having fun too

And I was very impressed by this wall of ferns (the long glossy fronds are harts tongue and the other fern is maidenhair spleenwort)

Plus the Gorgie Farm Cafe offers a great lunchtime menu!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more. 


  1. These types of farms are so important to have ... and every child should get a chance to visit, alas not all do...

    Hope your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

  2. Good for all to visit and enjoy!

  3. what a wonderful place,xx Rachel


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