
Sunday 27 July 2014

Frogs and a Sleeping Cat

Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum has two ponds in her garden and at the moment the whole garden is full of frogs.

There are tiny frogs

and larger frogs

and hidden away in the undergrowth is an old sleepy cat, Purdey who lives in the house next door


  1. I don't know why frogs have such an ook factor for me. As in ookie. However, if one were in danger of being harmed, I would pick it up if I absolutely had to. All the while yelling something like, "I can't believe I'm doing this!" Good thing I'm not there having to defend them from Purdy. But I guess maybe Purdy's days of running after frogs are past. But you never know!

  2. Cute...hopefully Purdy doesn't like frog legs....

  3. Come on everybody - let's "Hop on Purdy"!!!

  4. These photos make me feel happy

  5. Frogs always bring a smile to my face, wonderful creatures. Purvey looks snug as a bug in a nest there, so peaceful.

  6. The frogs are cute and the kitty is pretty! Great shots, have a happy day!

  7. I love frogs! I love the sound of them in the evening in the trees :)

  8. venetian morning
    a cat asleep
    among the pigeons

    Of course, I took a photo. Your post reminded me of it.


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