
Saturday 26 July 2014

Greyfriar's Kirkyard

I had a wander round Greyfriars Kirkyard yesterday evening before the Walk on the Wild Side literary salon at Golden Hare Books and took these photos in the kirk's wildflower meadow.

 the thistles are mostly seedheads now
 there were several common carder bees around (such a lovely colour!), I managed to get this one on a scabious flower.
Earlier in the day I had been walking through the Marchmont area of Edinburgh and found myself surrounded by about 50 swifts, flying low over the tenements and back green gardens. Lovely to see so many of thme! 

If you're in the UK and enjoy taking photos of nature, you may want to join in BBC Springwatch's 100DaysofNature challenge - take a photo of nature every day between now and the start of the Autumnwatch series and share it on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #100DaysofNature.


  1. The flowers are lovely, Juliet..The swift sighting sounds awesome..Lovely nature scenes.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. These are lovely photos. I think it would be so amazing to see fifty swifts at one time!

  3. love the fuzzy thistles. like thick paintbrushes. :)

  4. Thanks for taking us on these beautiful walks. I can use the exercise.


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