
Monday 28 July 2014

North Berwick

We had lovely weather for the first day of our staycation. We're spending this week on holiday in Edinburgh, visiting nearby places of interest. Today we went to North Berwick, which has a lovely long beach to walk along, which is almost empty as most people stay on the main central beach. 

Lots to see, including lots of shells and seaweeds

evidence of lugworms everywhere - these little curled piles of castings in the sand

we saw several of this species of jellyfish, which we can't identify, so any help appreciated!

and Bass Rock in the distance, white with the gannets that nest on it. Many of these birds come quite close to shore as they dive for fish.

I made a good collection of sea pottery and sea glass

When we got back to Edinburgh we saw lots of flying ants around town. So I filled in the Society of Biology's Flying Ant Survey.


  1. wow! lots of sea glass! sounds like a great start to your week!

  2. What a great day! I love to be at the beach. The jellyfish is a pretty color. And I love the view of the Bass Rock.. You found a nice collection of sea glass and pottery.. Great post, have a happy new week!

  3. Do you have the sea star wasting disease there? It is rampant on the west coast of America and Canada

  4. Texwis - thanks

    eileen - thanks and yes I love the colour of the jellyfish too!

    Rabbits' Guy - I've not heard of that disease, so I don't think we've got it over here.

  5. Wow that's an amazing stay-cation indeed :)

  6. There's a lot to be said for the occasional staycation.


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