
Monday 26 May 2014

What Happened to the Green Party?

I stayed up last night to watch the results of the European Parliament Elections. It was depressing to see UKIP (the United Kingdom Independence Party) coming top of the polls in many regions of the UK and in the country as a whole. However it wasn't surprising given the huge amount of media coverage this right wing, single issue party had garnered on TV, radio and most newspapers.

Meanwhile the Green Party had more or less been ignored in the pre-election media coverage (though immediately before the elections there had been a flurry of trending articles on Twitter erncouraging people to vote Green). The election results coverage continued to treat the Green Party with disdain - despite the fact that they gained more MEPs (Members of the European parliament) than did the Liberal Democrats (the party that is currently in Government in a coalition with the Conservatives).

The election day coverage was appalling in its bias against the Green Party:

In one discussion the Green party was described as 'a boutique protest party' and the party for 'people who don't want to vote UKIP but don't like what the main parties are offering'

One of the rolling subtitles during the programme ran something along the lines of: 'Green Party gains two seats, while BNP leader loses his' which could be construed as the Green Party and the BNP (British National Party - a far right party) being linked as equally extreme.

One of the few mentions of Green Party candidates was to poke fun (twice) at one of the party condidates who was knitting while waiting for the votes to be counted.

Even in reference to the Green Party gaining more MEPs than the Liberal Democrats, this was never discussed in terms of the Green Party but always in terms of Liberal Democrat collapse.

I was so angry that I complained to the BBC and I signed the petition to the BBC NEWS to STOP THIS MEDIA BLACKOUT OF THE GREEN PARTY.

The Green Party don't get everything right, and apparently they're not doing a great job of running Brighton council in the south of England. However they are a party with well thought out policies on a wide range of issues (not just relating to the environment) and offer a credible, respectable alternative to the main parties. UKIP on contrast have one policy, which is to take the UK out of the EU and they are widely perceived as incompetent and racist. The huge media coversage they were given almost certainly helped to increase their votes and to get many people to see them as a respectable party.

The EU for that matter doesn't get everything right. However, from an environmental perspective, the EU Natura 2000 Network (which I blogged about here) is a vital element in ensuring decent protection for the most special areas for nature.


  1. The whole thing appalls me Juliet - I am just hiding my head under a blanket and ignoring the lot. I know it is cowardly but I feel too old to do anything about it.

  2. Agree agree agree, good post Juliet. I was feeling hopeful and excited... and then just puzzled and sad at the media 'coverage'...

  3. Sounds like a lot going on. I hope everything gets sorted out and the environment will not suffer.

  4. Interesting situation there. Hard for me over here to much appreciate. In our national politics only the two main parties ever have the press - except for possibly snippets. The small parties are best at getting one or two of their high-interest topics included on the larger platforms.

    (Keep your powder dry there!)

  5. We have a Green Party here in the states as well and to be honest they're treated like a joke. The media kind of mentions them in passing every so often but that's about it. Very sad in a democracy...

  6. Anonymous5:48 am

    oh that's depressing :( our greens party get's treated pretty much the same way by the media.

  7. I agree that the lack of media coverage is dreadful but, on the bright side, here in Hull and East Riding, at least, they are very active in local initiatives and have a good following, initiate and promote green initiatives and are very much part of the community. If you leave national politics aside and think about what they are doing in true anarchist 'act local' style, they appear to me much more successful than the other parties in making a real difference in local communities.

  8. Hi Pete, good point and I agree but I was specifically looking at media coverage and if the media treated the Green Party as seriously as they treat the party that wants to take us out of Europe and hasn't got any other policies then our political representation in Europe would probably be different

  9. We're doing better over here with the Greens. We have two sitting MPs who are greens, including the party leader. My son-in-law ran federally for the greens.
    We have an election coming up and our local Green runs an organic farm off-grid. We have quite a few people who do!


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