
Sunday 25 May 2014


The hawthorn is in full bloom at the moment

but there's also a red version, which I'm not sure whether it's red hawthorn or a different species - if you know exactly what it is, please feel free to let me know in the comments!

Both the bushes in these photos are growing at the top of Corstorphine Hill, near the zoo, where the house martins enjoy flying above the zebra field!

I'm running a blog giveaway to win a pdf of my book Bougainvillea Dancing, poetry, prose and photos inspired by Malawi. Find out more and enter here.


  1. Above the Zebra Field is a great name for a rock band. ;)

  2. Lovely blooms and colors. I like the red version. Have a happy week!

  3. I've no idea if hawthorn can be pink - but my white one has given me hayfever for the first time ever!! I've no idea if it's me that has mutated or the tree, but for now I'll blame the tree.

  4. Is the Hawthorne named after the poet? I really like the red version. Have a great day!


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