
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Tree Following

It was rainy and dull yesterday when I visited the larch tree in Colinton Dell that I'm studying for Tree Following.

The nearby hawthorns are in bloom just now and there's lots of cow parsley in flower underneath the larch.

Round the other side of the larch, there's a lovely variegated elder bush:

while in the larch itself, the flowers are continuing their progress into becoming cones

while last year's cones are still hanging on

No sign of the long tailed tits that were building a nest when I started observing this tree....

I'm running a blog giveaway to win a pdf of my book Bougainvillea Dancing, poetry, prose and photos inspired by Malawi. Find out more and enter here.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. I love the lush green here. You must be getting lots of rain there. Everything looks so "alive". Thank you as always for taking us on this tree-following journey with you.

  2. Wow, that green is amazing! So beautiful! What a wonderful place to spend time in - that would be perfect to unwind and relax.

  3. so beautiful and green. :)

  4. Ok, so I have a weird way of looking at things...but upon reading Tree Following, I had a mental picture of the tree following YOU. Of course, every time you look at it, it just stands still so you don't catch on that it is observing you and taking notes. :)

  5. Hi Maureen , now that asounds like a great idea for a children's story!

  6. Hi Juliet,

    Looks like a lovely place to do your tree following and thanks for sharing.
    Happy week

  7. A pretty tree and I love the cone. Have a happy week!

  8. Let's hear it for the trees! At this time of year, Juliet, there are so many distractions at eye-level, that I'm often guilty of not looking up. Your post is a reminder for me to put that right.

  9. Was just admiring new shoots on my daughter's evergreen've captured it beautifully here. I would choose that kind of tree to watch if we were in one place the whole year.

  10. I love your trees. So lush.


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