
Saturday 8 February 2014

Greylag geese

We wandered round Blackford Pond this morning. Not many birds around compared to usual, but we owere amused by these greylag geese that were chasing each other round the children's play area.

It was lovely to see the snowdrops too.

We then walked through the Hermitage of Braid, where we were delighted to see a dipper flying along the Braid Burn.


  1. I wonder if they found anything to eat in the wood chippings?

    Your snowdrops are much further on than ours. I think the north has had the best winter this year!

  2. love the photo of the geese,xx Rachel

  3. the snowdrops are lovely but the geese are great.

  4. The geese found a nice place to play! I love the snowdrops! Have a happy day and weekend!

  5. Anonymous10:55 pm

    The greylags are beautiful geese -- one we don't have here (or at least I've never seen it -- they're cuter than the Canada geese which we have in the zillions or so it seems). Looks like it is early spring in your area -!

  6. Sallie - over here the greylags and Canada geese sometimes interbreed, the offspring are very cute!

  7. Those snowdrops look like flowers. You had me fooled for a minute there! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  8. Dippers here - yes. Snowdrops - not yet - ground still frozen!


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