
Monday 10 February 2014

Spring in the Air!

It was very cold first thing this morning, but soon warmed up and was lovely in the bright sunshine.

Colinton Dell by the Water of Leith already smells of wild garlic, though the plants are only just emerging from the soil and won't flower for a while yet.

The hazel catkins are gorgeous just at the minute, this photo shows the male catkins, the smooth ones are less ripe than the larger fluffier ones.

and I was particularly pleased to get the shot below, which also shows the beautiful little red female flower, can you see her?

The birds certainly thought it was spring. Blue tits were chasing each other among the trees, song thrushes and a mistle thrush were singing, as were the robins and dippers, but these two latter species sing all year! Ialso had a lovely close sighting of a goldcrest, the tiniest British bird - a first for the year, so I've added that to my bird list!

The tawny owl though, had moved further into its hole, just its head peeking out today.


  1. Lovely photos, particularly the one of the tawny.

  2. hooray for springtime!

  3. I second both those comments; this post brings hope as tiny but bright as that little red blossom. Thanks!

  4. Oh wow, lucky you! I wish spring was in the air here. Love the flowers and the cool owl. Enjoy your week ahead!

  5. Great shots and signals of spring.

  6. Beautiful shots and signs of spring to come.

  7. Nice signs of spring. By me, everything is way to covered in snow to see anything.

  8. Keep hoping! A few snowflakes here today!!! But ... finally the ground has thawed.

  9. the catkins are quite intruiging

  10. I can hardly wait for catkins to appear here, but I fear it will be quite a while yet. ;)

  11. Wonderful sights of spring you have there. It's still a little ways off here in KY :)

  12. Lovely signs of spring! It's a long way off here.

  13. oh it really is where you live… will be a while yet for us… more snow expected on Thursday… but it is pretty, I don't mind.

  14. Spring in the air Nope I haven't seen it here,wish it would come already,xx Rachel

  15. Yea... Lovely to see some shines of spring somewhere... Michelle

  16. Anonymous11:56 pm

    Oh lovely lovely early I miss it. (That is the downside of having no winter.)


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