
Monday 1 July 2013

Sunglasses case

I recently made this sunglasses case for Crafty Green Boyfriend. I made it from the same repurposed fabric as this pencil case but it fastens with a button and a ribbon buttonhole, rather than press-studs as I'd used in the pencil case. Given that we're having quite a lot of sunshine at the moment, the case is getting quite a lot of use!


  1. checking out
    her bikini
    his sunglasses

    (Of course, I don't mean your boyfriend. Unless it's your bikini.)

  2. oh thats sweet,xx Rachel

  3. Hi Juliet,

    Glad you are getting sunshine there and the lovely sunglasses case is getting lots of use. Love the fabric and also the yellow irises in the previous post.

    Happy week

  4. I dunno - that is an awful nice case. Here in the Pacific NW, we are the lost sunglasses capital of the entire world. One day you need them, then for the next 5 or 6 you don't. Then - "Now where did I put them?" Of course, I guess you could sell a lot of them .. just like they do sunglasses!

  5. Lucky you - sunshine is in short supply here Juliet.


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