
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bunnies, Bugloss, Birds and bees

I made the mistake yesterday of saying it had been sunny here. So obviously it has been raining for much of today...

We're having a staycation and spending the week enjoying Edinburgh's green areas. Today we were on Arthur's Seat. The viper's bugloss was in bloom, such an unusual and striking looking plant.

There were lots of bees around these flowers, but I couldn't catch any of them on camera... I was pleased to catch this bunny on camera, seeming to be eating the gorse flowers!

There were lots of young birds around today, we saw very young robins and blue tits. We were also delighted to see two ravens, we know they nest on Arthur's Seat but they are surprisingly elusive for such a big bird!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. How very odd to see different colored blossoms on the same plant!

  2. Love the photo's the flowers are beautiful but that Bunny is just wonderful,xx Rachel

  3. Love that shot of the bunny. I don't think I've ever seen one do that!

  4. very pretty blooms!

  5. On the first day of the year I walked the hill to Arthur's seat, it was a splendid sunny day. I remember on the way up I met a nice girl who was coming down, she was wearing only a tea-shirt and blue-jeans! She said something to me but I couldn't understand her, I asked her to repeat but she said it didn't mind...she kept walking and blew me a kiss.

  6. The flowers are beautiful and I love the cute bunny and his pose.

  7. Wonderful spot for a stay-cation! Love the bunny nibbling on the gorse.. Lots of places over on this side of the pond would like some of your rain! But stii I hope you get some sunny days during your time off.

  8. Hi Juliet,

    Love all your B's and your photos.
    The bunny and the flowers are really sweet.
    Enjoy the week

  9. Great pix! Many young birds and bunnies getting ready for the big world here too ...

  10. What a clever bunny! And what beautiful Bugloss. We have just returned from Scotland ... but didn't see any.

  11. Bugloss is a new name for me, it is gorgeous! And to catch the rabbit eating gorse is wonderful.

  12. Thank you for providing additional resources... Beautiful place for a stay action.... Michelle


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