
Saturday 29 June 2013

Yellow and red

 I always like to wander round Lochend Park before I teach my writing class at the nearby Ripple Project. The park is looking particularly pretty at the moment with all the yellow flag irises that are out. These two photos are from Thursday, when I taught the last class in the current term.
 Yesterday I walked along the Water of Leith as I do every week. I was delighted to see this lovely moth (a Brimstone moth I think, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!) in the gloomy long tunnel on the old railway line (now cyclepath) at Colinton. I was even more delighted to find out that the photo came out!
Meanwhile today, we were delighted to see a whole hive's worth of red tailed bumble bees in the flowers in Princes Street Gardens, No photos unfortunately, the busy bees were busily buzzing too fast for my camera!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. The yellow irises are pretty and cool shot of the moth. Great find and photos. Have a happy weekend!

  2. summer garden
    the butterfly settles
    on my camera

    Your comment about the bees brought this to mind.

  3. I know now for the first time about Flag Irises.

  4. Wow what beautiful beautiful captures my friend. I hope you've had a lovely weekend!!

  5. I like those wild iris, but that is considered a noxious weed and an invasive here in Washington State. It is not so good for fish-bearing streams because of its thick, expanding root system.

    They can be seen here and there - not wide spread yet.

  6. Hi Rabbits Guy, its often the pretty plants that become invasives!


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