
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Wood anemones

It was a beautiful and sunny for most of my walk along the Water of Leith this morning. There were lesser celandines everywhere and this lovely blanket of wood anemones that seems to be expanding from previous years.

Meanwhile I saw and heard the first blackcaps of the year, such a lovely song this little warbler has! There were chiffchaffs everywhere, swooping around from branch to branch looking for insects.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Wow the rich-ness of that green is a beautiful thing indeed...

  2. Sumptuous is the word that goes with cloud of Leaves and flowers.

  3. I love wood anemones Juliet - they are just about out here too and look so pretty.

  4. I don't think I have ever seen Wood Anemones. They are lovely.

  5. Pretty posies!

    We do not have those two birds here. There are yellow warblers - nostly passing through.

  6. I love wood anemones too, they seem so delicate to be out so early! I like their other name, windflowers, too.

    Sitting out in the garden for an hour or two for the first time yesterday, and heard our blackcap just tuning up!

  7. Wonderful spring a carpet of beauty.

  8. They are very beautiful.


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