
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Crafty Cats

Two cats around Edinburgh 

 (this adorable cat with it's tabby ears and tail also has different coloured eyes, but wouldn't let me take a photo of them! Below is Purdey, a cat that lives near Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents).

and two craft projects 

 not sure how long-lasting this tassel key fob will be, but it looks quite pretty and below is the beaded bookmark I made for Crafty Green Boyfriend for Christmas (which of course I should have posted already, but totally forgot!) This bookmark extra long to fit the large hardbacks he prefers to read. Though it works just as well with paperbacks as you can see! 

Meanwhile I'm delighted that one of my sea pottery shards was included in this Recycle Party Team Treasury on Etsy.


  1. Cute kitties! Your bookmarks are great, so glad your item is doing well on Etsy.

  2. I'm very taken with Purdey, and I'm not a cat person at all. Such a beautiful grey (should that be blue for cats?)

    Love the bookmark!

  3. I couldn't help but think how the two cats would love to play with that tassel. I have three cats so I think that way. Everything is a potential toy to them.

  4. Hi Juliet,

    the pussy cats are so lovely and isn't it nice to see a happy cat relaxing.
    Your bookmark and tassel are neat.

    Happy day

  5. Cats. Eh ... yes. They always LOOK so nice.

  6. What crafty kitties. Like the crafting human's stuff, too.

  7. Take a photo of a cat's eyes Juliet?
    Not unless the cat suggested it - knowing my cats all I can say is that they rule the roost completely and anything that you do is at their command even if you don't realise it.

  8. Kitties can be quite difficult to photograph, capturing their eyes anyway.

  9. cat!
    I snap a picture of her
    walking away

  10. The kitty in the top photo looks like one of mine, only mine has beautiful blue eyes!


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