
Monday 22 April 2013

Recycled Crafts for Earth Day

It's Earth Day today! A time to think about how we can improve our relationship with the planet that is our home. One of the ways we can reduce our impact (and have fun and be creative at the same time) is to make crafts out of recycled materials. My New Year's resolution this year was to make more crafts and I've been doing just that (as you may have noticed from the greatly increased number of blog posts about crafts over the past few months). This is my latest craft project, made from a stash of beads given to me by a friend and some old fishing wire.

I've added this bookmark to the beaded bookmark section of my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop. I've also given my Etsy shop a bit of a spring clean - I started this last week by rearranging the shop sections a wee bit and have been adding better photos.

Also on Etsy, I just now put together a treasury of recycled crafts with a green colour theme to celebrate Earth Day.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. The bookmark is lovely!

    I've been hoping for warm and sunny weather today so that I can start some papier mache projects and also make some paper and let it all dry in the sun--recycling paper for Earth Day. So far, so good!

  2. You are to be highly commended for all the many things you do to support saving our planet. I don't know of anyone who works harder at educating others and demonstrating the many ways to love Mother Earth!

  3. Very beautiful, they remind me of old, glorious Indian turquoise jewels.

  4. Earth day - I didn't know that Juliet - but quite appropriate because I got the farmer to pick me some young nettle heads this morning and I made nettle soup for lunch - I am rather pleased about it and it was delicious.

  5. That's a beauty. Happy earth day.

  6. Hi Bunnits- hope you were able to make your papier mache!

    Ms Sparrow, thank you so much...

    Tommaso, speedyrabbit - thanks

    Weaver - oh that sounds delicious. I'm very sensitive to nettles so I've never yet dared to forage for them, but i've enjoyed nettle dishes when others have made them

  7. Love the pretty bookmark! Happy Earth Day!

  8. Very pretty! (I was cutting some wild blackberry today and got in the nettles - ouch, ouch!)

  9. I like the bookmark; the design is fitting for this season too. It's amazing what you can make with recycled materials.

  10. I am happy to have some of your green art...


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