
Saturday 13 April 2013

Ferns by the Water of Leith

It really felt like Spring today, mild weather at last! We walked along the Water of Leith, from Roseburn to the Modern Art Galleries. The birds were in full song, mallards were chasing each other as were the dippers. We also saw a tiny wren climbing around on one of the river walls, it would disappear into one hole and reappear from another, maybe it's got a cosy little nest cave in there (after all the wren's Latin name is Troglodytes troglodytes - which means cave dweller). We also had a very good view of a goldcrest, even smaller than the wren.

This is a fern we saw along the riverbank. I think it's a polypody of some sort, but my fern knowledge isn't what it used to be. (I did a project on ferns as part of my Botany degree, but have forgotten quite a lot of what I knew.).I should start relearning what I knew, the Ferns in Britain and Ireland website looks like a useful guide!

For Shadow Shot Sunday 

and something entirely unrelated, I recently entered the Writers Relief Literary Paws competition with a photo of me reading to our old rabbit Anya. You can vote for your favourite photo here!  

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more!


  1. Thanks for spring views and a spring post. It snowed here again this morning with more to come later. I want the snow to stoppppp.

  2. I can see the sun shining over the Leith River.

    How nice, while Swedish are still waiting for the Spring Time. Hope it will come.

    Happy SSS,
    /CC girl

  3. love your shot of the fern!!

  4. It looks like a long fall to the water...

    Cactus Shade

  5. very impressive is the angle of this image!!!

    Hootin' Anni's Tin Man Shadow

  6. The ferns add a touch of color as they soak up the Scottish sun and illuminate the scene. Mild and warmer Spring days allow us more time outside and able to spot the natural art outdoors. Cool view!

  7. I love ferns. They are so orderly and decorative.

  8. feels like spring
    squirrel chasing squirrel
    and the other way round

  9. So simple yet so beautiful. genie

  10. Hi Juliet,

    So glad that you have mild Spring weather at last. Love seeing your photos and hearing what bird life you saw.

    Happy weekend

  11. Anonymous1:51 am

    Wonderful post and love the fern shot ~ very creative ~ ^_^

  12. great photo skills and finally its getting warmer!

  13. It felt like spring here too Juliet - and if one looked closely enough there were tiny shoots showing. Such a pleasure.

  14. Very pretty ferns, love the lighting on this shot.

  15. Love to see some green!

    My Shadow Shots
    Your comment is always appreciated, have a blessed Sunday!

  16. Sounds like a pleasant walk. I used to know the names of more ferns than I do now. I can't even remember all the ones I planted under the oak trees in front of my house. I lost some during a drought so I don't have as many as I used to.

  17. There are lacy ferns and swordy ferns - that's it!


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