
Thursday 20 September 2012

A couple of mysteries

Yesterday at Musselburgh I saw this lovely caterpillar which I thought might be easy to identify. I was wrong. Does anyone know what species it is?

I also found this (not perfectly in focus unfortunately). I guessed it was an owl pellet, Crafty Green Boyfriend thinks it came from a different type of bird of prey. Anyone out there have any ideas? Whatever it was, has been eating a lot of beetles!


  1. I hope you get some answers to your mysteries.

  2. Ms Sparrow, so do I! in fact i've already had someone on Facebook id the caterpillar as a pine hawk moth caterpillar

  3. What a cute caterpillar! Too bad they are such destructive little buggers.

  4. wish I knew more about nature...

    and that caterpillar is beautiful!

  5. I thought it was a Goldenrod Hooded Owlet caterpillar! (Seriously.)

    All I can say about the other is it is neither rabbit, horse, or cow!

  6. interesting

    much love...

  7. Could it be a Broom Moth caterpillar, Juliet? (Just from Googling ... not one I've seen before).

  8. Thanks Caroline, that's very much what it looks like!

  9. Well, whatever it is, it's beautiful. The caterpillar, I meant, not the pellet!

  10. I'm lucky if I can identify the birds on my feeder....not a chance I'll ever learn every caterpillar and butterfly (or pellet)....but not knowing their names, for me anyway, doesn't diminish their beauty and/or interest.

  11. Sallie - I agree, I still loving seeing all of natures wonders whether I know their name or not, but at the same time I'm always curious and like to know what's what!


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