
Monday 10 January 2011

Stones on snowy lawns

a magpie marches across the snowy lawn

as the snow melts, the grass reappears, seeming greener than it was before

for A River of Stones


  1. Ha,ha... magpies do seem to march. I saw two today, but they were up in a tree.

    I think snow acts as a protective covering for plants - last year, my flowers were better than ever, even after all the snow we had.

  2. Anonymous8:26 pm

    I have heard snow called poor man's fertilizer here in Maine. And, it sure does green up the grass.

  3. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Magpies on snow - striking image. I went for a walk in the Pentlands yesterday and there were lots of crows over over head. The black wings and tree branches were in dramatic contrast with the whited out hills. I felt like I was in a horror film.

  4. I heard my Magpies today but haven't seen them..did see a hawk though! Nice image you made

  5. I love the picture of the magpie walking across the snowy lawn.
    Stay warm and enjoy your week


  6. Anonymous1:28 am

    Nice poem. Makes me think of the warm weather.

  7. Yep - our grass grows greener, faster, thicker, and sooner when we have a snowy winter. Ours, currently well covered, will be ready for the first cutting in about 6 weeks! Wish I had sharpened the blades of the mower in the fall =:<(

  8. Our grass is under almost 6 inches of snow right now. As lovely as the snow is, I'd rather have the nice, green grass. And temperatures in the 70's.


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