
Tuesday 11 January 2011

The Tree Year

three blue tits chase each other round and round the branches of the cherry tree

for A River of Stones

I've also found another blogging project to take part in! This is The Tree Year. The idea is to pick a tree (or any number of trees) and to observe them through the year and to write about your observations, take photos, sketch the tree. Notice the lichens and mosses that grow on the tree, the insects that live on it and the birds that feed on it. Also notice how the tree changes through the year.

The trees I'm going to observe are the cherry trees across the road from where we live, which I can look at every day and a hornbeam along the Water of Leith, which I pass every week (though at the moment it is out of reach because part of the pathway along that part of the river is covered in sheet ice). ”The


  1. That sounds a brilliant project - good luck with it!

  2. Hi Juliet. What a great idea and it sounds very you. A great excuse (if you needed one) to visit your favourite trees.

    I noticed out walking today that the Metropolitan line staff are chopping trees down near the railway track. They obviously have no idea how precious trees are and how long it takes them to grow. Remove the diseased or dangerous ones obviously but willy nilly chopping down is very ungreen.

  3. I love trees..I have a giant cottonwood which I am sure is rotting from the inside out as they all do eventually..but I love the gnarled old thing. Your project sounds great.

  4. That's an interesting-sounding project. Very Zen.

  5. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Welcome to the Tree Year project. I'm looking forward to see your trees.

  6. Best of luck with this exciting project.

  7. Anonymous9:27 pm

    That is going to be interesting. I am looking forward to it.

  8. Heard of river of stones earlier. That tree p roject sounds like one we did in seventh grade. It lives inside me still. Might try a quiet project like it for myself. Thank u. Happy new year.

  9. The stones are gathering nicely! I'm afraid the tree observation and document project will have to wait for me. Have fun with it - I can see how educational and eye-opening it will be.

  10. What a neat project. When I worked at the archaeological museum I had a favorite trees that I would visit and sit under at lunch. The rest of the staff used to think I was nuts. I had a favorite pine tree in the backyard during my childhood. I need another favorite tree; I should consider something like this project.


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