
Monday 10 January 2011

Handmade Gift Giveaway

This is an idea that is doing the rounds on Facebook at the moment and I thought I'd make the same offer here.

I promise to send something I make myself to the first 5 people who leave a comment on this post. In turn, you promise to make the same offer on your blog. The rules are that you need to make the items personally and send them to your 5 folks within 2011.

I'm likely to send you one of the following: pot pourri bag; miniature book of haiku or a framed poetry collage.


  1. Okay, I'll do it on my blog.

    FYI, potpourri makes me sick unless it's completely natural. Distilled essences and perfumes tend to aggravate my allergies.

    (Sorry I'm so picky! The other stuff sounds great!)

  2. Shakespeare - thanks for letting me know about the pot pourri! (You're not being picky, i wouldn't wnat to send you a gift that you would be allergic to!).

  3. What a lovely idea, count me in. I make jewellery and devotional items such as rosary beads, serenity prayer bracelets..... does a plant I've grown myself from seed count? :D

  4. Eliza, i think plants grown from seed definitely count, though would be difficult to post to far flung blog readers...

  5. OK, I'm in. Not sure what I'd make yet, but I sew, so I'm sure I can come up with something.

  6. well I a just missed it! But a great idea!!! I always try to have giveaways at my open studios..especially popular with the kids..anything from origami animals, handmade bookmarks to my great butter sugar cookies!

  7. maybe I am in..unless we are counting you Crafty Green Poet!!! I am not a potpourri fan either..sorry..sensitive smeller!

  8. Yahoo! Thought I'd missed out (been frantic with a big bit of work) but I'm in time! Yes, count me in please, what a great idea. I can't sew though...

  9. I probably should have said that I don't think home made pot pourri would be allowed into New Zealand. The rules about anything agricultural in nature are quite strict.

  10. Kay, Titus, yes you're both in! Titus - you don't need to be able to sew, anything handmade counts! Kay, I'll not send you pot pourri!

    I'll ask people for their addresses soon so i can send gifts out!


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!