
Saturday 31 July 2010

Stop the Serengeti Highway

The Serengeti is one of the permier wildlife spots in the world, home to magnificent migrations of wildebeeste, zebras and other iconic African wildlife species.

This could all end though, as there are plans to build a highway right through the centre of the Serengeti.

Please read Paula Kahumba's article on Mongabay.

There is a petition against the Highway that you can sign on here.

The Frankfurt Zoological Society has proposed an alternative route for the Highway that would preserve the Serengeti and would actually be more convenient for more of the people who want to travel round the park. You can read about the alternative route and some of the issues around the Highway in this article here.


  1. Why do they have to spoil everything? There is always someone willing to do so isn't there?

  2. Hope the petition helps redirect the highway. I hate that wildlife is always the one to suffer at the hands of change.

  3. Thanks for sharing this news. I visited the Serengeti a few years ago and it was so beautiful and unspoilt... i'm shocked to hear they are considering putting a major road through a conservancy.

  4. Thanks Poet. I hadn't heard about this.

  5. The construction of the Serengeti highway has to be stopped! This road could lead to the increase of poachers, as well as a decrease in the population of the reserves wildlife and a confliction with the annual great migration of wildebeest. Please sign the petition to declare you do not approve of the new Serengeti highway plans.

  6. You're right absolutely Tanzania Safari, I have signed the petition and I tweet about it a fair bit.


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