
Friday 30 July 2010

The Land & the Sea

Last night I was at the launch of Alastair Cook's photography exhibition The Land and the Sea at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, in Edinburgh. The exhibition is made up of stunning black and white landscape and seascape photos, mostly of the Caithness and Lothians areas of Scotland and the Northumberland coast in England.

As part of the launch, there was a showing of Alastair's hypnotic film MALIN III with a soundtrack composed by Alastair and cellist Luca Nasciuti, from which the film evolved. Luca performed the soundtrack live at the launch.

There were also showings of three of Alastair's filmpoems with live readings:

Emily Melting a film of a poem by Gerard Rudolf, the poem was read at the launch by Alastair

La Plage a film of a poem by Jane McKie

Adrift a film of a poem from my chapbook Unthinkable Skies

The Land and the Sea - Photographs of the Eastern Seaboard by Alastair Cook
Monday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm. Entrance free.
30 July - 14 August, Out of the Blue Drill Hall, Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh


  1. How lovely to have your work used in this way!
    I'm so glad it went well. I hope I'll get in to see the exhibition soon

  2. Wish I was nearer! Most exciting, Juliet.

  3. All sounds so exciting - hearing of evenings like this makes me wish I lived nearer to civilisation Juliet.

  4. i wish i lived closer so as to see this wonderful exhibit. i was easily sidetracked by those video poems. they were great. Alastair's voice enhances those videos so well. he definitely has a reading voice. i could go on and on here but i leave you with this... have a great day.


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