
Wednesday 28 July 2010

The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson

This is an amazing, heartbreakingly beautiful novel.

Somewhere in the far past or the far future, Billie and Spike are leaving their world to explore a new planet, but will their people learn from their mistakes? The first signs indicate that they probably won't as the new planet is bombed to get rid of the giant lizards that live there so that it can be safe for the new settlers.

Action then moves to Easter Island where Billy has been abandoned to his fate, but will Spikkers be able to guide him through this strange barren world or to explain why the natives are chopping down the last tree?

Two more worlds and perhaps in the far past or the far future, Billie and Spike find themselves in the Dead Forest, listening to strange broadcasts from an unknown source.

Winterson is a brilliant writer and here melds environmental concerns with philosphical thoughts about reincarnation and meditations on what it is to be human. This is definitely her best book.


  1. I am unfamiliar with this author. This will be on my library list. After I finish all 1100 plus pages of Stephen Kings The Stand, Directors Cut!


  2. I read it a year or so ago, it was the first of hers I'd read since 'Oranges'. I like her a lot as a commentator and general lit figure, always read or listen to her when she appears anywhere.

    I was very gripped by the book, and it was beautifully written. Oddly though, I don't remember a lot about it now, and think I felt a bit disappointed and bewildered by the end, like I'd lost the plot a bit, or it had thrown out so many things and not really followed them up, or perhaps I'd got rather tangled up with the stories inside stories and who was reading and who was writing what.

    Probably me; perhaps I'm not just not a very a post-modern person! Or maybe it just wasn't quite the right moment and I need to read it again.

  3. I am not familiar with this author, but your post has piqued my curiosity and I want to try to get my hands on a copy of this soon as possible. Thanks!

  4. Sounds like a good novel.

  5. Lucy - yes it was a bit bewildering in some senses and i didn't quite work out the timescales of the various stories but in a sense I found that added to its overall impact.

  6. I finished this beautiful book in two sittings which is a first for me. I should like to recommend it to Mr Blair. "What is it - the last word? No.
    No more war."
    Thanks OP. Your original comments inspired a trip to the library. A wonderful book.

  7. I've had to read this recently, and I think I'll have to try her earlier (seemingly seminal) work, to compare... I'm trying to find more meaning in the roundways nature of the disjointed pieces, but overall quite a nice piece. Hints of punkish sci-fi and rebellious erotica.


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