
Sunday 1 August 2010

Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit!

I recently discovered an ancient tradition that I'm sure Crafty Green Boyfriend and I will find very easy to adopt! This is the tradition of saying rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! (or similar) on waking up on the first day of every month.

There are a bewildering number of varieties of this tradition, which are gathered together in entertaining manner over on Wikipedia here.


  1. A friend of mine said her mom used to do this too. I say it every morning......

  2. I can imagine Amelia and the Spots enjoy that Diana!

  3. On reading the title of the post I thought it'd be something about Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass...

    The wikipedia article says the origins aren't clear; it would be interesting to trace them, if possible, and see where this originated... they do mention it ties into other rabbit-luck beliefs, like the rabbit's foot bringing good luck.

  4. Saying "rabbit, rabbit" is good every day!

  5. well, if saying this once a month or everyday brings good luck i can easily adopt it into routine, :)

    have a great day.

  6. Huh! I have to look that one up. Rabbits are a huge favorite of mine (I think I said that on another post of yours) but I've never heard that saying.

  7. Darn.
    I keep trying to do that, and I've missed it again this month!!

  8. That is really neat. I must begin doing that. Do you know the history of the tradition?

  9. Oh, duh...I missed the link. I'll have to check it out. Also, it gives me something to add to my list of folklore investigations (which have fallen to the wayside a bit in recent years, although the list keeps growing).

  10. HKatz - I always like to confound people's expectations...

    bunnygirl - indeed!

    Naquillity - that's what we think here too!

    Sallie - I hadn't heard it before a week ago either!

    Pamela - it's good luck if you say it to Edward before he says it to you, so you'll be fine!

  11. For as far back as I can remember I have always said 'rabbits' on the first of the month. If I forget or don't realise the date then when I find out I turn on the spot three times and say - abracadabrafiddlededeegobbledegook.
    Yes, I know I am nuts!

  12. Weaver, that's hilarious!

  13. Interesting! I'll have to remember this one. Thanks!

  14. The power of the spoken word, eh! I wonder what the sinister side of its origin is, most folklore has a sinister edge don't you think? Interesting...

  15. Always done it! It has to be the first thing you say in the morning. Not only good luck, but then no one can get you with "A pinch and a punch etc."

  16. Rabbit rabbit moose moose I can honestly say I've never heard of any of this before and quite frankly I'm glad!!!

  17. I too remember always saying simply 'white rabbits' on the first day of the month.... also 'pinch punch the first day of the month' - which was always said in the school playground but now I don't think my own children exchange the phrase, so perhaps that one is dying out also. Or maybe it is discouraged!

  18. It's amazing to me that so many people wake up and remember that it's the first day of the month. I wake up a bit groggier than that, I guess. :)

  19. never ever heard of this ever ever ever ... i usually wake up and say i am late i am late i am late

    interesting it was only in print in 1950's or so...



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