
Sunday 6 December 2009

Green Christmas Gift Ideas

I have probably done my Christmas posts in the wrong order, after all gifts come before packaging and I've already shared my ideas for giftwrap and cards. However here are some ideas for environmentally friendly gift options:

some handmade gifts from my archives (just follow the links to find out more!):

fabric noticeboard.....

black satin gift-bag

lavender bag

pot pourri bag

needle case

and some of last years' cards

Creatively Green is sharing eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas every day this month and they're doing giveaways too! You can see their projects and sign up for the giveaways here.

Several charities these days offer the option of donating to the charity and giving this as a gift to someone. In the UK these charities include Oxfam and the RSPB.

It is also nice to give gift vouchers for experiences (eg a cinema pass; tickets to the theatre; restaurant gift vouchers) instead of things.

More and more people are seeing second-hand gifts as acceptable - my Mum and I regularly give each other second hand books as gifts. Secret Santa in the office where I currently work specifies that the gift be second hand..... This won't work for everyone though and obviously the second hand item needs to be in very good condition if you're choosing it as a gift!


  1. One year my (ex) mother-in-law gave me second hand muffin tins that hadn't really been cleaned out....recycle AND refurbish for gift giving LOL.

  2. There are so many possibilities...

  3. We always keep our cards from the previous year...thanks for the ideas!

  4. Oh - this is a great idea!

  5. Giving gifts whether its second-hand or not, it doesn't matter anyway as long as you both remember each other and that both of you have the spirit of Christmas in your hearts. Last year, I bought a wall clock for my mother because that's what she like. It's not expensive though she was still happy with it. =) If you want another idea that's affordable you can also give a stainless steel containers for the people who's fond of eating, and are on green items. That's a perfect gift idea for them.


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