
Saturday 5 December 2009

Onwards to Copenhagen....

The Wave demonstrations happened in London and Glasgow earlier today, as people gathered to show their concern about climate change. Organisers estimated 40,000 people marched in London with 7,000 in Glasgow.

More than half the world leaders will meet next week in Copenhagen with the aim of securing a new deal to tackle global climate change. Read more at the Independent newspaper website.

You can find out how to get involved in the climate change campaign on the new, revamped Friends of the Earth Scotland website here.

You can visit the UN Climate Change Conference website here.


  1. Sometimes I despair of the way we treat this world of ours - doing various recycling and having low energy light bulbs seems to me to be playing at it Juliet - I am not saying we shouldn't do it but it does worry me that people who do that think they are doing their bit and that it is enough. To make a real change nations have got to pull together and I can't see them doing that. If an alien species invaded from outer space I bet some countries would immediately get friendly in order to attack other countries. I cannot see any answer myself and it is all so very depressing.

  2. I agree totally Weaver, but i do try to be at least hopeful that something can be done and to try to encourage others to be hopeful and to take action.

  3. Let's hope they come up with some real commitments towards positive changes! Thanks for sharing the links.

  4. So difficult to get all of the leaders to agree. Oh my.

  5. hi crafty green - it's a tough time not unlike watching a high-school student wrestling their way through the sense that they have some power but they're not entirely sure how to use it. so sometimes they "play the game" and sometimes they don't.
    being on the bridge between what was (and didn't work) and what will be is difficult, particularly as we are actually building the bridge as we move on!
    the key to success in any venture is a positive commitment that comes from small-scale action. 'nuff said. steven

  6. A good day, I thought, but London had a better dragon! I'm sorry i didn't see you.

  7. As they say, every little bit helps. We all should do what we can.


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