
Wednesday 5 August 2009

Nature Poetry Group on Read Write Poem

Some of you may know that Read Write Poem has now developed and expanded into a social networking site, complete with discussion forums and themed groups as well as regular prompts and articles. It looks great and promises to be a very exciting place for poets and poetry fans to meet online.

Due to popular demand, I've set up a Nature Poetry Group on Read Write Poem. You can have a look at it here. There are discussion threads to share your nature poetry, discuss eco-poetry and share your ideas for maintaining your connections with nature.

You can join Read Write Poem here - look forward to seeing you there.....


  1. Thank you, CGP: I have joined the new group. Look forward to meeting others...

  2. sounds really cool--i'll have to check it out!

  3. Since joining I have been flat tack with work and what not so haven't had a chance to get back, but looking forward to getting there once things round here settle a little. A great idea and thanks for forming it CGP.


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!