
Thursday 6 August 2009

daytime moon
above the stone circle -
a hare in a ditch

This is for Weaver of Grass, who asked for a hare haiku.
The stone circle in the haiku is Brodgar, Orkney.


  1. Oh thank you Juliet - my very own haiku - and a lovely set of images too. I am deeply touched that you dedicate it to me - you know me and hares (I think if may be something to do with having been born on hallowe'en) - and I do think hares and moons go together too - brilliant. Thanks again.

  2. I like your haiku's Juliet. Very meaningful. I love the imagery with the Ring of Brodgar too. Have been trying to get to see that place for years. Standing stones and hares go together naturally I think - both mythic.

  3. Reminds me of an old Donovan song ... The Season of the Witch ..

  4. Lovely haiku -- I love the juxtaposition of the moon, the stone circle, and the hare.

  5. I have been to that stone circle!!! I didn't see a hare, but I do now. I love the farmer's cheese on Orkney and the stone carvings in the church.

  6. Nice - I imagine the round shape of the moon echoing the shape of the stone circle. I would have loved to get to Orkney and the Shetlands when we were in Scotland - I have ancestors from both - but there just wasn't time

  7. That's just magical. Hares are so special.

  8. this one resonated greatly.
    really really like it!

  9. You and short poetic forms have fused a unique bond together that works well. Great haiku. Keep up the good work.


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