
Tuesday 4 August 2009

Musical rabbit haiku

The second of my collaborations with Belvedere Mountain Express is now up at their Myspace page. It's worth browsing all the tracks there..... Our latest collaboration is currently the fourth track down and is called Aux Champs des Lapins (In Rabbit Fields). You can find it here. I think it will surprise no-one that my contribution to this piece is a group of rabbit haiku....

One of the featured rabbit haiku appears on Summer Haiku today - you can read it here.
I also have two other recent haiku on Summer haiku, here and here.


  1. The only haiku I can think of that is better than a rabbit haiku Juliet would be a hare haiku - how about trying one of those for me -I am sure you know by now that hares are my favourite animal.

  2. I could try Weaver, I love hares but don't see them very often so...

  3. Delightful, Juliet! Wow, you have been industrious - as ever.

  4. hi juliet - how cool for you!! i listened to the piece over on bme's page . . . i listen to quite a bit of downtempo experimental electronica and what's usually missing are cool words to compliment the texture. this works!! thanks for the heads up!! have a peaceful afternoon. steven

  5. I just love the whole idea of rabbit haikus.

  6. Rabbit haikus rule - Miss Eve and Neville are doing extra binkies :)

  7. these are all so wonderful! you made my morning.

    (and you have the most lovely voice!)

  8. 'Musical rabbit haiku' could just be the best blog post title I've ever come across. Loved the music set haikus too.

  9. I really liked it!

  10. Lovely music, Juliet! And your voice was such a pleasure to hear. Rabbit haiku is very timely here, as well, as my garden is currently overrun with yet another batch of adorable baby bunnies.


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