
Sunday 9 August 2009

Monday Bunday

as seen on Arthur's Seat, photos by Crafty Green Boyfriend


  1. hello crafty green poet, i remember once being on the pennine way on a visit to england (yep, walked end-to-end in two weeks!) and as we creted a hill, the other side of the hill was running with dozens of bunnies, dozens and dozens. it wa slike we had interrupted a big meeting of bundom. have a lovely monday. steven

  2. Those are some fine, fine bunnies. What fun to have you in on Monday Bunday :~)

  3. Squee! It looks like you caught one in mid-bink!

  4. What lovely pictures! Either CGB has a seriously long lens, or those bunnies in the second picture were really close. I suspect the ones in Holyrood Park are a bit tamer than those on Blackford Hill, because I’ve never managed to get near enough the latter, with my meagre 200 mm lens, to get a decent picture.

  5. Steven - I've never walked the Pennine Way, nice that you saw such a nice meeting of bundom when you were there...

    D.Moll - they are fine aren't they?

    bunnygirl - yes, mid bink indeed!

    Golebnik - the bunnies on Arthur's seat will come very very close....

  6. Cool photos. We can get quite close to some of our bunnies in Chicago. We even have one that hangs out in our back yard.

  7. Ah...bunnies, reminded me of the time when mine roam free in the garden, and there was plenty of destruction as well :P Happy week ahead.

  8. Love that bouncing one in the top one, is that binking then?!

  9. I love both photos, but the top one especially. Boing! I love the idea of the bun being in mid-bink. Do wild bunnies bink, do you suppose?

  10. sarala - I'd love to have a tame wild bunny hanging out in the backgreen,....

    M Green yes they can be quite destructive...!

    Lucy - yes that's a binky!

    Glenna - yes i've seen wild bunnies binky quite a lot!

  11. holy cow; check out those jack rabbits movin! (they are jacks right?) ;-)

  12. You caught some good bunny pictures. They sure are cute. Hope all is well.

  13. Lovely Scottish wild bunnies! Back in Dundee last year they roamed the green areas of the city, the University campus was full with them.
    Thanks for your messages for Miss Eve - they helped! x


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