
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Downside Up - poetry by Anne Connolly

I heard Anne read at the Five Live event at Wordpower Books last week. She's a very engaging reader with a great presence. Her collection Downside Up doesn't disappoint either, the poems are all written with a real feel for language and understanding of how poetry works, line breaks etc. She has a great eye for detail, including the detail of the natural world, eg this extract from The Turn:

I love the darkening of June
when days tilt away from summer.
Lilt of birds mellow to a fuller sound
ripe with easy satisfaction.

Downside Up by Anne Connolly published by Calder Wood Press.

Talking of poetry readings, I'm doing a short reading/performance next Monday at Underword, Fingers Piano Bar, Edinburgh You can find out more here.


  1. hi, those are nice rich early becoming summer words. they roll. thanks for pointing the direction to her work. steven

  2. Would love to be there to hear you Juliet.

  3. Good luck with the reading.

    There always seems to be something going on where you are. One of the advantages of city life?

  4. That is a beautiful and sad verse. Love the Sunday bunday below too!

  5. I'd not heard of Anne Connolly but I really like that snippet so will put her on my books list which, since I've been blogging, has grown exponentially.

    Good luck on Monday!

  6. I love that snippet from "The Turn" -- beautifully and musically rendered.

  7. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! Summer is going???????????????? IT JUST GOT HERE! ALL I CAN SAY IS MY VERIFY WORD ... "REJUQZSG"

  8. The Turn... what a beautiful poem extract. And, good luck on your reading. I'm sure it will be a great time. Have a wonderful day.

  9. What a nice words for a soon fall days.

    How I wish to sit there and listen how you read your poems to us.

    I wish you luck for that evening.


  10. There is nothing better than listening to the author of a work, reading it themselves. They understand perfectly and that is as it should be. Your poems are very evocative and I love your photos, especially the sculpture of the child and bird.

  11. Wish I could be at your reading, CGP. Do hope it goes well. Must look out for 'The Turn'... (how did we hear about these things before blogs?).


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