
Sunday 9 August 2009

Shadows in Photos and poetry

This is a wonderful little sculpture in the Dalmeny Estate, which we visited yesterday. Crafty Green Boyfriend took this shot and named it 'the Age Old Battle'.

Also on the Shadow theme, I have a poem Passing Shadow up on the wonderful journal Concise Delight, you can read it here.


  1. hi juliet, i nipped over and read your poem. shadows and light, pass us all the time. the unpacking of the shadow that passed the bride. the unpacking of the bride as the shadow passed - my mind raced in all sorts odf directions. thanks for sharing that writing. steven

  2. Great shadow shot - I was at Dalmeny a month or so ago on an apiary visit.

  3. Love the statue...and if you've ever been nipped on the bottom by a goose, you'd be strangling him too...ouch!

  4. Geese are difficult to wrangle, part snake and part feathered fish......

  5. Interesting sculpture - does it have its own name, I wonder. Nice shadow shot! Thanks for visiting.

  6. Oh that poor goose . . . ;-)

  7. How I wish I have that sculpture in my backyard §;-) apart I love a white one.

    Lovely poem too...

    Your awesome, Lady?

    Have a great SSS...

  8. A very nice photo. I'm sure you enjoyed your visit. It looks like a lovely day.

  9. Embiggening the image yielded a surprise for me ... interesting action! I'm not sure I'd be willing to take on a goose with my bare hands ... seriously! Thanks for dropping by Happily Retired Gal earlier. I appreciate your comment.
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. The statue makes me wonder what happened just before the boy tried to strangle the goose. ;-) Wonderful statue!

  11. Funny little sculpture. Good name for it from the Crafty Green BF.

  12. I can see a poem in the making from looking at this delightful statue or maybe a fable.

    Your poem over at Concise Delight is great. Hope all is well.

  13. I love this photo and the sculpture! We recently had a man given a 'suspended sentence' because he stopped traffic by getting out of his car to shoo the geese off the road and a police officer ticketed him for endangering himself. I've started calling him the goose whisperer...I think he might have helped your little man! LOL!

  14. Lovely little statue!! Nice shadow too :0)

  15. Very interesting shadow and statue. Yes not sure who's winning the battle? I had a goose when I was a kid. She would attack anyone wearing shorts. Geese make the best guard dogs.

  16. What a fun statue, and the poem was absolutely beautiful.

  17. loved your poem! what a great photo, too! :)

  18. I would love to be able to walk around there. Fun statue to take a pic of.

  19. Now that's an interesting sculpture! A great shadow shot by your Crafty Green bf! Fun title too! Ok, must go have a read of your poem now :)

  20. Edinburgh is beautiful! you share such wonderful shots :) very nice poem too!

  21. enjoyed "Passing Shadow"

    much love

  22. great shadow. Thanks for the visit to my site.


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