
Tuesday 28 July 2009

Queen of Green and creative too!

Angie of Woman Ask the Question recently awarded me the Queen of All Things award, thank you very much Angie! Now i have to say 7 awesome things about myself and pass the award on to seven other bloggers!

1. Awesome is Crafty Green Boyfriend
2. Awesome is our flat in Edinburgh
3. Awesome is watching the swifts flying outside our windows, even if its been too rainy to fit the nestboxes yet....
4. Awesome is the fact that it's almost the Edinburgh Festivals......
5. Awesome is my musical collaboration with Belvedere Mountain Express.
6. Awesome is also my secret poetry project that hopefully I can talk about soon.....
7. Awesome is the fact that people give me awards like this

I won't however pass this on, you're all awesome and its too difficult to choose. Just as it is with the Kreativ Blogger award, that Michelle from Poefusion has just awarded me - thanks Michelle!


  1. congrats on your awards and your welcome. If your poetry project is anything like your music collaboration then you're blazin'. hope all is well.

  2. Great site you have here! I'm learning a lot! I have a blog as well, one that offers inspiration and wisdom. I was wondering if we could exchange links, let me know what you think!


  3. Awesome is that you seem to have a lot to be happy about in your life and I'm happy for you!

  4. Swifts really are awesome, aren't they.
    Look forward to hearing about the secret project - when you're allowed to tell!

  5. you are so awesome! your music collaboration was incredibly cool.

    and number 6 sounds so intriguing...

  6. i want to hear the secret!!!! will check back soon to find out!

  7. We are on tenterhooks to hear about the new project. Well done indeed on what you have shared with us so far.

  8. A well deserved award...we're waiting with expectation that you can reveal more about the secret poetry project, and of course your tales of the Edinburgh Festival... fingers crossed for dry weather to you :)

  9. Congrats from me, too!


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