
Monday 27 July 2009


a breeze
across the waterfall
scent of lime flowers

(the lime tree, also known as the linden tree, Tilia vulgaris; not the tree that produces the citrus fruit lime)


  1. Perfect blend of photo and haiku (to my way of thinking, at least). I never thought about 'lime flowers' before: so evocative, even if a world away from citrus limes. Love the new pic.

  2. What an interesting fragrance to write about. I wouldn't mind a breeze blowing in with that scent.

    Love your shadow shot below. Hope all is well.

  3. Love the new header.
    Love the scent of lime trees too Juliet - it all seems to come on one day, when the air is full of the distinctive scent - there is no mistaking it.
    I am looking forward to reading your Inspiration meme on Wednesday

  4. wonderful Haiku
    shadow on tree
    fragrant lime flowers
    i thank thee.

  5. beautiful haiku! at first i was thinking of lime trees that bear actual limes! :)

  6. Our big Linden is done blooming now ... but it was totally abuzz with bees when blooming .. we could hear them all across the garden!

  7. Gorgeous. It drifts across this room......

  8. Lovely and a great way to start the day!!!

    Blessings, Nancy J

  9. We have a beautiful linden tree that grew up with me and my sisters back home- a lovely shade tree!
    And a lovely haiku too!

  10. I like this, it's nice to engage the sense of smell in haiku. Sometimes it's one I overlook.


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