
Wednesday 29 July 2009


Weaver of Grass has asked us to this week think about who and what most inspires us so here is a short list for me:

Nature - in all its forms, specially birds, even more specially swifts, which seem to embody the essence of bird for me, given they never land except to lay eggs and feed young.....

Poetry - Edwin Morgan for sheer inventiveness; Margaret Atwood for always saying something real with every word; Ruth Padel for electrifying stage presence and many others too many to mention.

Music - The Indigo Girls, who have been my favourite band forever and who can weave politics into their music without anyone even noticing; many others too though.

Visual Art - Andy Goldsworthy - children have been inspired by Andy Goldsworth too to create artworks along the Water of Leith - you can read more here and also see my recent post here, though this is earlier than the date these children were reported to be out, so who made that piece of artwork?

but there is inspiration everywhere if you know how to look and listen.....


  1. Agree with all of those Juliet - Edwin Morgan in particular. I think his Heron is one of the best bird poems ever written. Thank you so much for taking part - it has all been such an inspiring read that I want to write a new post on blogging inspirations.

  2. You've hit the nail on the head - look and listen is the answer. :)

  3. You are certainly inspiring me to open my ears and eyes wider!

  4. Oh yes, a wonderful meme! I thoroughly enjoyes taking part too.

  5. Nature is the gift that keeps on giving!

  6. hello crafty green poet - well i will run right alongside you with the love of andy goldsworthy's work. i have a copy of the film of his work rivers and tides (i think it's called) and i love to share it with anyone who visits just to know that it is utterly incredible work, creative and beautiful. fred frith's soundtrack is an added bonus! i met margaret atwood years ago as i worked at the time in a playwright's cooperative. she is real. in the sense of brilliant and down-to-earth real. you have a really lovely and cool blog. have a peaceful day. steven

  7. Hello Crafty Green Poet. I am so enjoying blipping all over the place, and everywhere you land there is something unexpected and delightful.
    Look and listen - I agree, it's everywhere.
    I have never even heard of The Indigo Girls, so must chase that up. Finally, Andy G. is a nearish neighbour, and in the woods behind my Father-in-Law's house there are often unexpected works you just come upon. And his "Sentinel" guards the village!

  8. Oh wow, yes you hit the essence, the beauty and inspiration are there if you know how to look and listen. The link to the Indigo Girls site has amazingly beautiful artwork.

  9. I liked reading your list and especially your ending "but there is inspiration everywhere if you know how to look and listen...."

  10. Hello, love your list of inspirations. I need to read more Edwin Morgan, have only come across the odd poem in anthologies.

    It's that knowing where to look isn't it, and also recognising what you have seen?

  11. nature, poetry and visual art- all great qualities to inspire one. Andy Goldsworthy has some great art. Hope all is well.

  12. A really inspiring list. I love Andy Goldsworthy's work in particular! And nature is behind all inspiration, for me.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog - I'm catching up today!!

  13. Always good to read others inspirations. And always good to list our own. It helps us to check in with whats important to us, and also to notice anything new that we weren't into before.

    I really need to look into Edwin Morgan more, the little I know I've liked. Thanks for the reminder.


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