
Thursday 30 July 2009

Furry Butt Fursday

Furry Butts just lost Hans, their adorable grey Netherland dwarf bunny. Bunny bloggers across the world have joined together to hold Furry Butt Fursday in his memory, so here, from the archives, is Anya's furry butt. Anya will be waiting to meet Hans over the Rainbow Bridge..... RIP little Hans and binky free!


  1. What sad news - but what a gorgeous tribute photo, Juliet. (Have just visited the furrybutts blog).

  2. I do have a soft spot for bunnies, what a crazy idea for a meme!

    I enjoyed reading about your inspirations, I think we have much in common. Margaret Attwood in particular who's writing is amazing, although for me it is more adoration than inspiration.

  3. Anonymous11:10 am

    Thank you CGP! I just found out about this meme and I'm so incredibly touched by this gesture. Hans has made a lot of wonderful friends in his short time with us. He must be enjoying himself with beautiful Anya at the Bridge right now, binkying away, munching on fresh grass and sharing bunny stories.

  4. hi crafty green poet, a really nice photo! we have a white dwarf bunny living in this house. i shared this entry with my daughter - dumb move of course! "when will cammie die dad?" "ummmm not for a while yet my girl" gulp..... steven

  5. Sad news, but (butt) terrific way to move forward with life. That eye-catching title is terrific.
    Love the tribute photo. It's always sad to lose a pet. Pets are like family to me. I don't have any bunnies, but there are rainbows of a certain type on my current post, ironically.

  6. Wow, that's a very furry (and adorable) bunny butt!

  7. Oh, how sad. My sympathy to Furry Butts...
    Bunnies have been in my family for a long, long time. My first ever bunny was named Violet... oh, I loved her.
    And a beautiful tribute piccie, too.

  8. Do I take it these bunnies have gone to bunny heaven - or am I misreading it?

  9. Anya, Hans and Chloe are all hanging out binkying together!
    bunny hugs,

  10. Yesm, Weaver, they've all gone to bunny heaven, where they're munching clover and binkying furrybutts says...

  11. so sorry about the bunny - I didn't even realize what I was looking at in the picture at first glance! sweet little thing. Here's to the celebration and empathy of tributes.

  12. What an adorable picture. She must have brought you such joy!

  13. Thanks for popping over and that Anya looked so much like one of our buns. Happy weekend :D

  14. Anya had such an adorable and impressive furrybutt.

  15. What a beauty - I love her black spot.

  16. Such a sweet bun, I'm sure her and Hans are having a great time up at the bridge.

  17. Anya is GORGEOUS, (beauty endures even after departure).

  18. i was just so sure it was a cat! that is a very furry bunny.

  19. That is a lovely presentashun. Bunny bum never looked so resplendent!

  20. Anonymous5:50 am

    aww she's a beaut! sorry i missed seeing this on fursday but it's a great submishe and wonderful to look at pics of old friends and remember the joy they brought! furry butts fursday spread very wide across the net! too cool


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