
Sunday 19 April 2009

Trees and bushes, central Edinburgh

Princes Street Gardens, magnolia with singing chaffinch, Edinburgh Castle in background

silver birch trees, Princes Street Gardens

elm fruits, St Cuthberts churchyard
More photos from St Cuthbert's churchyard on Over Forty Shades here.


  1. hey thanks for coming by my blog to comment. it certainly is peaceful here.

  2. I've been to those Gardens - but probably before those silver birches were planted - it was thirty two years ago now!

  3. I'd be singing too in a beautiful tree like that :) Love the elm photo!

  4. Anonymous5:01 pm

    I enlarged the top picture. That's just magical. Makes me dream. :)

  5. Love those elm fruits Juliet. Also love the peacock butterfly on your header. On my walk this afternoon I saw three peacock butterflies - fantastic.

  6. There are people in there strolling among the magnolias!

    Was this once all the King's land?

  7. Hi Rabbits Guy - no in fact it used to be covered in water, it was known as the Norloch but it was drained (don't know when) to make these gardens.

  8. lovely images..I feel like lingering longer here :)

  9. something about the curve of the hill on the top image and then the flowers look like a surprise weave of lace on a throat...

    a nice surprise, then the tidy space of the second. enjoyed it.


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