
Saturday 18 April 2009

Water of Leith Conservation Trust

Today I went to my first meeting as a volunteer for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. This was a fundraising meeting, discussing forthcoming events, such as the Plant Sale and Sponsored Walk. You can find out more about events here.

I hope soon to be able to start patrolling a section of the river, noting my wildlife observations adn keeping an eye out for things that need attention from invasive weeds to litter.


  1. There's a section of the river from the visitor's centre to gorgie road, past the allotments and graveyard.

    Litter builds up against the boundary fence on the other side of the river from the path, where the industrial estate is. Although it's not strictly part of the Water Of Leith, it's clearly visible to everyone walking or cycling along the river.

    Maybe you can put pressure on the tenants in the industrial estate to clean up their boundary fence? And good luck in the new "job"!

  2. I'm sure that will be interesting - nothing like having a local patch to keep an eye one.

  3. I'm sure the original Water of Leith is far more interesting and exciting than our stream - a low, tan trickle - here in Dunedin (named by early settlers after the original one in Edinburgh's.)
    In saying that, our Water of Leith has its traditional place, and character, running as it does right through the University area, and when it floods, it becomes a roaring torrent - looking very like foaming beer!
    Looking forward to seeing your reports.

  4. It must be a big job by all to keep that river clean. Your reports will be good to read.

  5. Despairing - I don't think that will be my patch, but I'm pretty sure that the Trust already try to work with people around the river to tidy things up, its a never ending job....

    Kay - I didn't realise that Dunedin even had a Water of Leith!

    Mistlethrush - yes I walk along the river a lot already and am looking forward to doing so more...

    Rabbits Guy - a recent clean-up (which I wasn't at) involved over 50 people, so yes...

  6. This sounds a great venture. I can see a nature trail of poems emerging from your observations!


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