
Monday 20 April 2009

Gorgie City Farm - goats

There are several goats on Gorgie City Farm and they have their very own playground overlooking the children's playground. One of the goats is an angora with a limp (see below).


  1. Anonymous10:46 am

    Aww.. they're cute! Is the second picture of the angora with the limp?

  2. Ahh now goats I like, Juliet. I used to have a goat, crazy, full of character. Stubborn, cantankerous, affectionate, odd, I really liked her. And those spooky eyes they have. I like goats.

  3. I've always liked goats but I know they can be a bit of a hanful to keep.
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  4. I used to raise goats and milk them--twice a day. I loved them, but it got to be too much. They were friendly, like dogs, and would take walks with us.

  5. Goats are nice. My brothers always lived with goats when they were small, but by the time I showed up only stores of the goats remained. I still know the names of all the goats though....

  6. furrybutts - yes that's the angora, I've edited the post now to make that clearer...

    Paul, yes they have got spooky eyes haven't they?

    Re - they can indeed be a handful....

    Mary - they are friendly aren't they?

    d.moll - thanks

  7. What a beautiful little goat the angora is. I don't know much about them but have always liked them.

  8. If I had room, out in the country, I would keep goats. And several dogs. And maybe a cow, if she could be content. And certainly horses. But I love goats- and they make me laugh.


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