
Tuesday 21 April 2009

Painted Bottle

I bought a glass painting kit from a second hand shop recently and have been experimenting. The idea is to buy nice shaped bottles and glasses from second hand shops and then paint them up to give as gifts to people, with a few to decorate our flat and perhaps eventually to sell some. Here is my first experiment!


  1. What a neat idea. The bottle you've painted looks lovely!

  2. So sweet!!!

    There's so many cool things you can do with bottles. I have a bottle I got from a market in St Kilda many years ago, which had papier mache put on to it.

    I love how crafty people are :)

  3. Anonymous2:15 pm

    I love old glass bottles. I collect them. My hubby is sick of them. Maybe if I paint some of them it might keep him quiet. Just lovely!

  4. You could include a "Painted Bottle" poem with each one!

  5. A neat idea indeed. This is lovely Juliet! Everyone loves old bottles - they should be a great seller.

  6. this looks very nice, and i'm sure more stunning work will come from your hands

  7. Gorgeous colour combination, green tourmaline and gold.

  8. Anonymous2:41 am

    What a great project! I have a wash tub full of wine bottles I'm going to be doing something with soon.

  9. Hey, something to do with those beautiful blue muscadet and Harvey's sherry bottles!


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