
Tuesday 17 March 2009

Gorgie Farm Produce Stall

When its open, the produce stall at Gorgie Farm is one of the best places in this area of Edinburgh to buy fruit, vegetables and eggs. The stall sells produce from the farm and other items supplied through Edinburgh Community Food Initiative. (For a full list of what is on sale at the farm please see this page.) Recently the stall hasn't been open very often, partly because there is less fresh produce to sell in the winter, but also because there is a shortage of volunteers!

The farm is looking for people who would like to to help out on the stall itself, but also people who can help to improve the link between the stall and the farm gardens, learning about what's growing, picking produce and selling it to the public.

So, if you live in Edinburgh and either would like to volunteer with the stall or know anyone who might want to or could pass the word around people you know, then please contact the Gorgie Farm Garden Project directly on 0131 337 4202 or email gardenATgorgiefarmDOTorgDOTuk.


  1. Come on you Scots .. get the lead out ... promote your local food!!!

    (That help?)

    Here in our little (110,000 people) county (Skagit) in far NW Washington State, there are probably 2 dozen or more groups, clubs, organizations that all have pretty good e-mail lists of their members and volunteers. When a situation like you describe comes up, the request goes out quite far and wide and usually gets the project moving!

    Probably it works similarly there.

  2. Thanks Rabbits Guy, yes this is just one of many places where this volunteering opportunity is being promoted. Not a particularly useful one either since so few of my readers are actually based in Edinburgh, but every little helps...


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