
Sunday 15 March 2009


Ice retreats

leaving green meadows shy
of flowers and sunshine

exposed rocks

floods flashing to fading rivers

a knock on the door
if anyone listens

glaciers are retreating across the world at an alarming rate -
read more over at The Guardian

Ice for Weekend Wordsmith


  1. That is so exciting!!!! The lake is still frozen, so no visitors for us yet. Thanks for sharing your poem.

    I did an ode to spring.

  2. The retreating glaciers are so far away that I don't think many folk give them a thought. Did you watch Billy Connolly's programme through the North West Passage? I thought that did a lot to remind us about climate change and the ice retreating.

  3. a great reminder of a disaster happening before our eyes

  4. One of the canaries in the coal mine.

  5. Bellissima ed allarmante allo stesso tempo. Grazie. Ciao. A.

  6. What a lovely and meaningful post! Every year there are floods from the ice melting too fast and there doesn't seem to be enough alarm about it. I hope lots of people read your beautiful poem and think about the glaciers and the rivers.

  7. The retreating glaciers here in our own North Cascade Mtns are well documented and publicized ... a regular tolling of the bell ... that one that tolls for us ...

  8. Anonymous3:50 am

    Sure hope everyone hears that knock on the door..

  9. Anonymous5:46 am

    The retreat of the glaciers worries me a lot. I think of the habitats and breeding grounds that will be affected, not to mention rising sea levels. I think the fresh water may also make the seas more acidic. It's just so depressing. I hope that knock is a really loud one.

  10. a really powerful poem on a subject that's really close to my heart. Thank you.

  11. "...a knock on the door
    if anyone listens" - very powerful impact Juliet. Words to ponder carefully and deeply.

  12. Anonymous2:34 am

    beautiful, powerful!

    Pretty header photo! welcome spring!


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