
Monday 2 March 2009

Gorgie City Farm - Sponsoring Driftwood

As many readers will know we recently sponsored Driftwood, the lop eared rabbit at Gorgie City Farm. This means that we're paying towards Driftwood's food and vet bills. As part of the sponsorship deal we each got a certificate, plus a couple of photos that are now pride of place on the door of one of our kitchen cupboards, along with photos of Anya; Cephor (Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents' much missed cat) and an albino squirrel from a newspaper article that quoted me).
We also got a lovely letter from Driftwood himself, in which he talks about his early life, abandoned on a beach and how happy he is now at Gorgie Farm and how much he likes taking part in children's parties.
You can sponsor any of the animals on Gorgie City Farm, you can find out the sponsorship form here.

You can now raise money for Gorgie City Farm on Everyclick, the search engine that raises money for charities. You use it like any other search engine, and every search you make raises funds for your favourite charity (mine now being Gorgie City Farm). You can find out more here and start fundraising for the farm here.


  1. Anonymous9:12 am

    That's a cute certificate and how nice that Driftwood wrote you a letter! We're glad he has got such a great sponsor ;)

    The white squirrel's adorable! But it's so sad that he/she has got a bleak future.. I really hope it finds a way to continue surviving in the wild, despite it's conspicuous coat.

    I've bookmarked the Everyclick page for GCF.. will be busy clicking away everyday!

  2. Anonymous9:16 am

    Oops sorry, you must have been wondering what I meant! I thought Everyclick raised funds by having people click a button daily.. my bad! I'm going through the 'how tos' in more detail now :p

  3. Well done, Juliet! We're sponsoring a dog at Dogs Trust and we have adopted a whale and dolphin! My daughter lives for animals, although we only have a fish tank and a hamster! All the best. Ciao. A.

  4. Anonymous12:23 pm

    It is good to see you and your family caring for animals. I think every human must protect and care for nature like you. Thanks for posting.

  5. That header had me completely bowled over - those crocus are fantastic - as is that rabbit!

  6. Anonymous8:54 pm

    Hooray for Driftwood, and nice crocuses!

  7. I'm with Weaver - The header is stunning - oh how I want to see some green :)
    How neat you are sponsoring Driftwood - if only more would do that!

  8. What a nice cabinet you have! I'll go have a look at the Everyclick.Do you visit Driftwood everyday? It must be nice to go to work to see your rabbit, I have to leave mine at home.

  9. Rabbits at work ... Rabbits at home ... hmmm ... hard choice!

    Yay DW!

    Those crocuses are REALLY something if you start scrolling before they are fully loaded!

  10. Hi Crafty. Sorry about the off-topic, but I thought you might have some advice. One of my Twitter pals has a rabbit (Steevo), he has an otitis infection and his head is tilted. Any ideas how to get Steevo a little relief?

  11. that's all so nice to hear. i was particularly bowled over by the albino squirrel. when i was little i really wanted a pet squirrel. i'm very curious about the everyclick search engine too, off to check it out now, thanks!

  12. Furrybutts - don't worry, I've edited a wee bit too to make it clearer I hope.

    lunarossa - we also sponsor a snow leopard

    Gill, Weaver, PWADJ, Janice, Rabbits Guy, Nadia - thanks

    D.Moll - I visit Driftwood every lunchtime that I'm at work at the minute

    Farfetched - off hand I don't know sorry, but I'll have a look round and let you know...


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!