
Tuesday 3 March 2009

Marzipan moon

marzipan moon rises slowly
through rusting clouds
shrinking herself paler
until she sits white
high in the sky

the lights of a plane
flash on and off
below her

I also have a piece about the moon up at A Handful of Stones today, you can read it here.

For a crafty moon please see Moonlit rabbit

Moon for Inspire Me Thursday


  1. Beautiful. Haunting image. Love that the moon is above and the plane is below - don't know why I like that idea so much...nature rises above, I guess.

  2. Dear Juliet, Love your poems about the moon. As you know, the moon is my passion. Thank you very much. May I add it to my blog, with your name of course? Ciao. Antonella

  3. what a strong and silent image that creates. i love the marzipan and rusting descriptions, they are very original and most beautiful. i do love the moon too

  4. Very evocative. I have enjoyed both poems.

  5. There's a hidden person in this poem.
    I think she is a passenger on that plane!

    Thank you and have a great week :-)

  6. Love the fur rabbit, Anya was so helpful, providing art materials.

  7. I love the idea of a marzipan moon... odd and striking with the rusting clouds!

  8. check out all those flowers waiting for the easter eggs

  9. Marzipan moon; did it have a bite taken out of it? Wonderful word to give it shade and texture.

  10. wonderful imagery, great impression

  11. lovely poems dear!! and love the pics of the rabbit and esp the crocus hoping we get some out soon too! has been a long cold winter to say the least!! hugs Linda

  12. What a beautiful image Juliet! Love the "marzipan" moon. Enjoyed the other lovely one too.

  13. Thanks for the back link to the felt rabbit .. you speak of Anya, now we know Anya a little better.

    Wonder where have gone the commenters from back then ...

  14. I love thinking of the moon as marzipan.

  15. Annie, Nadia, Coastguard, Lucy, Gordon, Polona, Linda, Janice, Pamela and Edward - thanks

    Lunarossa - I'd be delighted dor you to include it in your blog...

    Flying Colours - she might be!

    D Moll - rabbits are very helpful and artistic at heart, your two are great examples of that

    Rabbits Guy - commentators come and go, some of those ones aren't even blogging any more and others only visited because it was a prompt.

  16. I love the imagery you have created with this poem! I can see a little marzipan world in stop motion animation! Very inspiring.

  17. I like the contrast between the moon and the plane

  18. How fine that you have given us a sensory link from the visual moon to the sweet taste of marzipan. Now when I see blinking lights flying below the moon I will remember this lovely poem.

  19. Mystical and yet so clearly real. Lovely work!

  20. 'shrinking herself paler' - is a great way of putting it. I like the mention of the plane lights too - it's like you've put everything into perspective.

  21. This is a lovely poem. Serene and unexpected.

  22. Mmm...marzipan moon. Delicious imagery.


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