
Thursday 19 March 2009

Darwin's Microscope by Kelley Swain

2009 is the year of Darwin so it was fitting that Kelley Swain managed to find a publisher this year for Darwin's Microscope her first collection of poetry. She read from it last night at the Poetry Association of Scotland meeting at the Scottish Poetry Library. There are poems here of whales, biological experiments, the life and travels of Darwin and death. Kelley has a lovely reading voice and has plenty of stories to tell in amongst the poetry.

Also reading was Angela McSeveney. Slaughtering Beetroot the title poem of her new collection is a very entertaining poem, a must read for all vegetarians. Best served with a glass of fine red wine as it was.

Darwin's Microscope by Kelley Swain, Flambard Press 2009
Slaughtering Beetroot by Angela McSeveney, Mariscat Press 2008


  1. It sounds as though you have excellent readings in your neck of the woods. I love the new pic. on your blogskin!

  2. Thanks for the info. Would be interesting to read poems inspired by Darwin! Ciao. A.

  3. A couple of good poems - it would have been interesting to hear their authors read them in the flesh, so to speak.


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