
Saturday 21 March 2009

Frogs and Toads

We went for a lovely walk today, round Blackford Pond and along the Braid Burn. Blackford Pond had a good number of tufted ducks, mallards with a couple of swans, two greylag geese, a coot and a moorhen. Under the water there were a load of common toads, some mating, some fighting, others just sitting. A lot of the females were different colours. The nearby marshy wildlife garden had a muddy pond with a few common frogs and a lot of frogspawn. Then in the field behind the nearby allotments we found a marshy patch, which was alive with frogs croaking, mating, fighting and chasing each other. The area was full of frogspawn. Such a wonderful sight given the perilous situation many amphibians find themselves in these days.

The wooded area along the Braid Burn was covered in wild garlic, growing like a particularly luxuriant grass, plenty of ferns in good leaf. The trees were full of birdsong and there were loads of jackdaws calling and flying around. We saw a dipper rushing along the river and two grey wagtails feeding and fluttering over the water.


  1. I should really get into bird watching. I do not know much about them but I'd like to reading your post. Have a nice Sunday. Ciao. A.

  2. It sounds like the perfect Spring day!

  3. Love that little dipper and enjoyed seeing the jackdaw...a crow with a flare.

  4. Ah Spring! (Hope we get some!)

  5. Anonymous2:34 am

    Love the new header photo! It's literally a burst of Spring.

  6. I love toads, grew up with them.

  7. I saw wild garlic the other day, you don't see much hereabouts; I used to like picking and eating it before I believe it became a trendy restaurant ingredient!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful walk.

  9. We don't have toads in this particular area and few frogs. I miss seeing them. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  10. Anonymous3:19 am

    I would have been elated to go on such a walk. Joyous!!

  11. tra la la la la (bird singing)

    I wonder myself how the climate and the landscape influences our souls.


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