
Saturday 19 April 2008

Weekend Walk - Peebles

Today we got the bus down to Peebles in the Scottish Borders. The fields were full of lambs and it felt as though Spring was really here! Lots of rabbits everywhere too! We went for a lovely walk in the Glentress Forestry Commission Woodland. Many of the trees were covered in lichens:

The weather was nice, though very windy, especially on the exposed slopes! We heard lots of birds singing and saw wrens, blue tits, great tits, robins, a greenfinch, blackbirds, a song thrush and several rooks building their nests in their rookery at the top of a group of trees. I also saw 2 nuthatches, which although they're common in areas of England are very unusual in Scotland and I think Peebles must be the most northerly point they ever reach. We also saw these two lovely horses.

You can read about an earlier trip we made to Glentress Forest last year here.


  1. I wish I could have been there to share your walk. Absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing!

    PS: We had an unexpected snowfall today, here in BC Canada! Spring is not here yet, I guess.

  2. Great description and photos! Spring ... ahhhh

  3. Spring seems to come and go here.
    Lovely photos especially the top one of the rolling hills - beautiful.

  4. Great pictures.

  5. How pastoral!
    Nice, peaceful post.
    My weekend was far less pleasant (marking papers, cleaning house).

  6. you have some beautiful countryside there and not unlike ours :)

  7. The first picture of the landscape that you post makes me want to walk into it and have a lovely walk!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Anonymous10:49 am

    that's such a beautiful place and you captured it well :)

  9. Anonymous8:26 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed that walk. Thanks so much for letting us walk with you. The horses are gorgeous!


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