
Monday 17 December 2007

Crafty Green and True Blue

I was delighted to find that nà of Shadows and Clouds has awarded me the True Blue Blogging Award, which i would in turn like to pass on! Many thanks for thinking of me, Nà! This award is for 'blogging friends, for people who stick by you in blogland and make it fun to blog, create a community of communication and friends.' I could award it to so many people who visit me but I will choose:

Janice (Pursuance of Truth)
Jo (A Broad's Thoughts from Home)
Polona (Crows and Daisies)

I would also like to award it right back to as well!

Thanks to those I've listed and to everyone who visits here and comments or just lurks!


  1. Oh Juliet, how sweet! You made my evening, right back at you, says me. Thank you very much.

  2. thank you, i am truly honoured.
    but the buck stops here as far as i'm concerned. hope you don't mind.

  3. Thanks for checking out The House of Rabbits and leaving a comment. Glad you like it.

    We just lost our little Benson a week ago and it is hard for us and his long time mate. The little fur ball was very special.

    Today was a busy day here so I have not had a chance to spend a lot of time with your work, but will!

  4. Thanks so much Juliet - that is indeed most kind of you. I don't participate in the memes, tags and awards but I certainly thank you for thinking of me.

  5. Polona, Janice - I don't mind if you don't pass it on, I'm just happy to award the both of you!

    Jo - you're welcome and thanks!

    Rabbits' Guy - I'm sorry you lost Benson, we lost Anya a while ago and still miss her so much!

  6. Thanks so much for the award. What a great gift at this time of the year!

    I am passing it on here:

  7. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Good choices all Crafty.

  8. What a wonderful idea - although I suppose I am guilty of being a lurker. I enjoy reading your posts, but rarely comment as most of the time people have said it all before me...

  9. We have something in common, na left me this award too! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment on my most recent posts. No I don't mind you saying about the thrush/redwing picture? although I will say I acquired it from an article on a thrush on a reputable bird website. What to they know!

  10. Anonymous10:40 pm



Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!