
Wednesday 19 December 2007

Gift Bags

I made these gift bags from scrap material. The gold fabric was left over from a top that I bought second hand that wasn't in perfect condition but the fabric was so beautiful I bought it anyway. I shortened the top by cutting off the damaged areas and found myself with enough cloth to make two of these gift bags. I decorated this one with beads from an old skirt and a ribbon from a box of chocolates! The other bag is made from material left over from a dress I had made in Malawi. The ribbon came from an old gift. I left this one without beads. These bags are an ideal alternative to wrapping paper. The recipient will hopefully reuse the bag, either a gift bag for someone else, or for personal storage.


  1. I always recycle stuff. It's not only I! Most Indians do that. My mom makes beautiful stuff out of old clothes. I recycle paper mostly. I have this tendency to collect scraps of blank paper and I write on those.

    Your bags are very beautiful. I always carry bags made from scraps by my mom. So much thought, love goes into making those.

    reading room

  2. lovely, I really am so very untalented at anything like this, I'm in awe of people who can sew.

  3. Did you sew these bags by hand, or use a machine, CGP?

    They are beautiful and have given me ideas .....

  4. What beautiful bags Juliet! You definitely are a 'crafty' person.

  5. Your bags are wonderful!

  6. Gautami - I collect blank pieces of paper too, lots! When I was in Malawi, I noticed people recycled a lot too. We're only just getting back into the habit in the UK! I like the fact that you carry bags made by your Mum.

    Jo, thanks - I can't sew clothes though, which I would love to be able to do!

    mm - by hand, thanks

    Janice, Deb, thanks!

  7. wow, good for you! what a great idea that is, and they are really gorgeous too. what lovely fabrics too

  8. Anonymous3:50 pm

    These are wonderful, and what a good idea instead of buying those paper bags that get thrown away.

    Now I see why you liked the Recycled Runway exhibit.

    BTW, I'm in awe of people who knit and sew. I wish I could do both or either.

  9. love the idea! must go hunting for scrap fabric somewhere in my house..

  10. I like these bags, I really envy people good with a needle and thread! x

  11. Ooo. Smart! I like the one on the left particularly.

  12. Anonymous8:19 pm

    Lovely bags! Reusing fabric that has had a past life always enriches an item, I think.

    We have a tradition of using cloth bags for Christmas gifts. My mother-in-law often puts presents into home-made pillow cases (the pillow case is part of the gift). We also have special bags that get refilled for the same person each year (returned after opening). The fact that the bags themselves have become a tradition, adds to the fun.

    Happy Holidays!

  13. Good for you for recycling and making something by hand at the same time.

  14. Anonymous11:12 am

    Hmm, all of this creativity is making me want to reinstall my craft draw. Collecting all the bits and bobs that you normally throw away and hoping that one day you can put them to use. How do you store your stuff? Not much space in our little flat at the moment, hmm...I'll have to have a think...


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