
Saturday 17 November 2007


Beyond the garden fence wild grasses sway in the breeze:
Festuca rubra shimmers red
Digitaria ischaemum smoothly fingers the air
Agrostis curtisii bristles and bends in a curtsey
Elymus caninus slowly wags its beard

out in the undulating fields
even their names are more beautiful than lawn
their colours greener.

Festuca rubra - red fescue
Digitaria ischaemum - smooth finger grass
Agrostis curtisii - bristle bent grass
Elymus caninus - bearded couch grass

Grass for Weekend Wordsmith


  1. i am forever amazed at your knowledge... always a lesson in your posts....

  2. Anonymous7:34 pm

    Its been awhile..thanks for your visits ..LIP ( is featuring another poet...


  3. wow! their names do sound lovely! thanks for sharing this wonderful image of undulating fields.

  4. There is something about the real names of plants - Latin or otherwise - that is magical. Thank you for this, you've set off a train of thoughts in my minds.

  5. paisley - I did have the help of my Field Guide to Grasses....

    Nasra - thanks for visiting, I'll check out LIP

    Odessa, mm - thanks!

  6. Gosh Juliet I love this wonderful piece on grasses. It does put the word "lawn" to shame. I've had a few debates over the care of grass as I consider it a plant like any other and if I had my way I would not even have any so I didn't have to cut it.

  7. Anonymous3:49 pm

    I didnt know there were such different kinds of grass, I learn every day. Thank you.

  8. I love the sound of the Latin names you inserted into the lines. Nice use of words.


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